Thursday 27 January 2011

Hi again!

Well we had our puzzle afternoon with QEH Year 7 and it was pretty amusing. It was quite frantic moving around the hall to take part in all the games like 'Mother Sheep', 'Rush Hour' and Chess. Rush Hour is a game where you get a car and you have to position the cars in a certain way on the board. Then you have to get the Red Car, which is trapped in the middle and you have to move all the other cars. It didn't really encourage teamwork because you had to work on your own. One boy on our table got a bit stuck and the sixth former had to step in and help. He was quite geeky and knew all the games backwards. I managed to avoid playing chess because the rules are so confusing. There were a few bang-tidy boys!

The food has really gone up a notch recently. I think its because they are trying new recipes. Pesto chicken with garlic and rosemary mash is now my number one meal, shortly followed by the lemon salmon with puy lentils.

We have decided in registration to say something random instead of 'Yes' when the register is called out. So now we say something personal each time, so today for instance we said our favourite charity - mine is Unicef!

We are having a cake sale on Friday and I have decided to make a Rocky Road cake. Its going to be in the Dining Hall at break on Friday so see you there - except you won't know who I am, hee hee!

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