Thursday, 31 March 2011

Hi there, Well, this is the last week before the Easter holidays. I am really excited because I am going skiing and I'm getting a puppy! It's been a busy week at school. We had House netball and we painted war paint on our faces. I don't think our team played very well but we had a lot of fun. In maths we made 3-dimensional objects which was actually really fun! We were allowed to listen to music from Jessie J and Willow Smith while we were making them. Last week I went to see Kylie Minogue in concert. She was amazing and her costumes were gorgeous - especially when she dressed up as a Greek goddess! I have just realised that my mother's ancestors were merchants, so that's my Fact For The Day! Have a great holiday!

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Hello everyone,

Well, the Junior School are doing their play at the moment and everyone likes watching them practice. It is called 'Oink' and one of the girls has to do a solo dressed up as a crocodile which must be quite a challenge. The set is like a painted field and we can see the caretakers painting it ... it looks really cool.

Yesterday we had English which is great at the moment ... we have started 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' and we get to read out different parts and say them with expression and charisma. Everyone wants to do Demetrius or Helena although there are lots of good parts.

Got to rush today - late with some homework!

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Hi there!

Well today is Teddy Bear Day! This means that you can bring in your teddy for £1 and the money goes to charity. I have got mine next to me now. He's a Tatty Teddy with a patch on his forehead and really small eyes. The reason I brought him in is because he is my favourite. He's a good portable size and really cute. We were taught a bit about the history of the teddy bear in RM7 assembly and I found out that they were inspired by Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt, the American president. He was going to shoot a bear one day but it was tied to a rock and he felt bad about it so didn't. Someone - I think they were called the Mitchums - made a replica bear to remember the whole incident and it really caught on.

We had parents evening this week and I didn't go but waited eagerly at home. When my parents got out of the car I put my thumbs up hopefully and for a joke they stuck their thumbs down! I shrieked and then they started laughing because luckily it went well!

We are going on an awesome French trip - or le trip francais as I like to call it. We are going to Normandy where we will be making biscuits and we will be going to a boulangerie where we have to do some real shopping in French. I'm not sure what sort of place we're staying in yet but I will let you know! It's in July so it could be HOT.

See you soon!

Monday, 7 March 2011

Hi there!

Well two really important things have happened since I last wrote to you - Half Term and Justin Bieber's birthday!

1. Half Term.

This seemed so long in coming because of the cold that on the first morning I woke up and kept muttering "I can't believe it, I can't believe it!" Time seems to go quite quickly when it is so special so I tried to pack in as much as possible. I went to the cinema with my mates and we saw "Never Say Never" the Justin Bieber movie which was an absolute blast. Justin danced a lot in front of his screaming fans and a lot of them were crying. I think I would probably cry if I saw him too! After the movie we went for a Macdonald Chicken Mayo which I spilt all over the floor... We did also have to see my family in Wales which was ok.

2. Justin Bieber's Birthday.

This was on March 1st and he turned 17. I haven't really found out exactly what he did on his birthday yet but I know he wanted to get a mini motorbike. Last year he was bought two cars. The Range Rover was from Usher who signed him and the Lamborghini from P Diddy. I am quite a fan of him as you can see and really want to see him in concert. His hair has changed recently. It used to be all long but he has had it cut off and now it has a big spikey bit at the front. I bet that is quite annoying day to day!

Got to go - its registration!