Thursday, 23 June 2011

Hi there!
Three weeks to go till the end of term! I cannot believe I am nearly at the end of being a Year 7. It's been a really busy year and it feels like centuries ago that I was in primary school. This year has gone really fast though because we have done so much.

Looking back my favourite things have been meeting lots of new people and learning loads of new stuff. In science for example, we have done Chemistry, Biology and Physics instead of just Science. We have done quite a few practicals which I had never done before I came here. We have been making gargoyles in Art and this has been really fun. We had to look on the internet for images of gargoyles and bring them in to give ourselves inspiration. They did remind me of Doctor Who's Stone Angels though which is really scary...

Next week we are going to see 'A Misummer Nights' Festival' at QEH which is a Sheakespeare play given a Glastonbury twist. I still have to finish my history prioject on Brunel so I might do some extra work on it tonight.

My puppy is doing really well and growing fast but he has been a bit snappy in the last few days. I think I will need to take him out for some giant walks in the holidays.

See you soon.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Hi there!

Sorry its been so long but when I tell you what's happened you'll see why.

Well, the first week was exam week. There was so much revising to do that it was quite boring at times. The actual exams were much better because you didn't have to bring in your books, you just sat there and scribbled all day. The teachers were really sympathetic and kept repeating things like "Remember to read all the questions" and "Always check how many marks each question is worth" and "Your best will be good enough"! All around Year 7's area there were posters saying good luck and Mrs Gupta sent each class a card!

Getting the results was really nerve-racking. I was shaking when I got my French because I really wanted to do well in it. I was pleased with most of them in the end. Maths didn't go very well but I had trouble with the first section.

Half term was a big relief and was very relaxing. I saw a brilliant film called "The King's Speech". It was great seeing the main guy conquer his fears. When he couldn't get his words out you felt really sorry for him. I think it was the highlight. My brother had to revise all over half term but I could just slow down and have a fun time - and there is lots to look forward to now. There is a disco next week with QEH and then the week after we have "Team-building" for a whole afternoon which is basically lots of games outside.

We made these really cool things in ICT with Mrs Bramley-Dymond called "Dingbats". Its a bit hard to explain but its a picture you see AND read at the same time. If you've seen 'Cathphrase' on TV its a bit like that. Here's an example...

0...2,3,4 is the image you see and the answer is 'no-one.


See you soon!